The Smile Brigade | Silver Sunday
A few weeks before Christmas, I had a fantastic message drop into my inbox from an old friend who’s career and kindness I have been following with much interest over the last few years.
Monique and I met may years ago and since then she has been a pillar of kindness and charity within the community. Founding The Smile Brigade, she and the fantastic SB team have Brough friendship, joy and cupcakes to many people in the borough that have been isolated or marginalised from society.
She told me all about a Christmas event that she was involved in called Silver Sunday, which have been around for a while and have helped connect so many people at what can be for many, a very lonely time of year.
It was the perfect opportunity for us to work together and for me to provide something that could be treasured and cherished in the year ahead.
They treated their beneficiaries to a spectacular 3 course meal and also arranged for everyone to get their caricatures drawn for #silversunday. Here are the rest of the pictures from the day.
Monique Newton and Setting up The Smile Brigade:
When it comes to recovery and personal wellbeing, especially for those who have been isolated or marginalised from society - be it due to homelessness, age or ill health, I think that people are often quick to overlook not only the therapeutic effect but also the physical and mental health benefits of taking part in regular and meaningful activity.
Having spent some time in hospital recovering from clinical depression, it was through attending individual and group sessions - such as art and creative writing groups, that I was able to rediscover a sense of self worth and purpose.
Finally, it was through finding a love and a passion for fitness that I was truly able to find myself whilst gaining confidence and learning new skills.
I feel very strongly that everyone - regardless of age or circumstances should have the opportunity to access free services and be able to partake in regular and meaningful activity which will ultimately give vulnerable people the skills and the confidence they need to integrate back into their communities and feel like valued and loved members of society.