Borough Market


One of my favorite areas of London is Borough market. There is always something new to see, learn or taste. The people are open and friendly and eager to talk about their produce and the history of their stall. I love people and getting to know them, finding out a little more about what makes them tick and what drives them. It’s one of the joys of life and Borough Market provides that in droves.

As a visual artist, I love lines and connections, things that join items together, be it similarities in shape, colour or size. I find myself taking a lot of photographs of collections of objects or the order and connection of lines.

I gave myself an objective to make this trip different, however, it was not to be! With a few snaps of the surrounding area, the people in it and the time and effort each customer puts into each purchase, (which you may see pop up in other food related blogs) I soon found myself shooting the vast quantities of luscious sumptuous veggies and fruits.