October Celebrations

What does success look like to you?

Is that a good question!… One someone with significant influence in my life (and mindset) recently asked! 

So… go on then, what does success, look like!?!??

 To me! I want to be the best version of me I can be! And every step towards that goal, deserves celebrating – even the trips and the all out face planting!! 

Ce-le-brate good times, come on!! 

We have stepped out of September with a confident stride, those goals are well underway and we are now making moves to make them happen in real time.

Why do I pick October to celebrate!  …. Well, if you look… it’s everywhere! 

We have Halloween, Harvest Festivals, Half-term holidays, the changing of the season, ( I love this one) reminding us again, how beautiful and amazing the world we live in can be.. we have Stop-tober – where we support people making life changing choices and celebrate raising money for charities, we start booking in Christmas drinks and annual dinners, looking for moments in the next couple of months where we can celebrate friendships and family, let’s not forget thanksgiving! Best reason for a dinner party ever! 

My main reason… is Halloween, and this month is all about Halloween!!!  … by far, the best holiday there is, and a time to CELEBRATE!!! 

Everyone gets to dress up with pretty much no restraint… get their vampire on, Level-up their hex skills and bring out the inner wolf, free of judgement and filled with celebration!


Just to get my claws out and scratch the surface of what this ‘holiday’ means to fellow all-hallows-eve hell raisers…. 

Did you know that it originates from the Celtic (local) Samhain festival of the dead, where the herd were brought down from summer pastures?  As in spring, the veil between the living and the dead was considered thinner and it was easier for spirits and fairies to pass into the human realm.   The fires were lit, and the spirits, often seen as gods were brought offerings of food and wine to help secure a healthy winter, where the village and herd were protected until spring. 

The souls of our kin are also seen to visit home in search of hospitality, so a place setting was set for them at this time of year.  … I think I’m going to need a bigger table after the year we have had! 

Even though the last year has been hard, I look to celebrate the lives of those who I have been lucky enough to walk alongside, and the ones I get to still walk with.  It’s shown me that every moment needs to be celebrated, every win, every loss, every step, every trip. And this seems like the perfect opportunity to do it!

So… it’s a time of celebrations! 

Life is too dang short! 

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