Tell Me More!

What have you been up to this summer?

That sounds like a rediculos question! It feels like we are now in the full throws of English Autumn! … But I am reluctant to let it drift past and sneak into the dark months without celebrating some of our sunnier days this year.

I have heard so many fantastic stories of adventure, reflection, sports, successes, wild romances, beautiful soulful retreats, time at home with a new puppy and much more.

I love hearing the way people spend their recharge time, the way they tell their story and love to carry that inspiration into my own adventures.

On adventures to Paris, Florence, Rome, Tuscany, Atesse and many more this year, I gave myself a brief to challenge how I am seeing the world in front of me, how I interpret the journey ahead and how I am looking at the spaces. It’s been an adventure in itself!

After an exciting year full of new projects and a range of new clients, I realised that while I am loving meeting the needs of those around me and understanding the subtext of each brief, I have become out of practice in answering my own call. So in this case, providing boundaries and at essence my own brief in how I am telling my own story, helped me piece the experience together.


Over the course of last year, I explored my old love of film and my adventures with 120mm film helped me slow down and take stock of what I am looking at. Often, the question ..

‘is really it worth a film shot?’

… would be asked (between me and my film friends) and it stout some parameters with which we made the choice to shoot digital or film. As mad as this sounds, at essentially £2 a pop, having criteria helps to keep each shot specific and retain its financial and emotional value.

Have you tried shooting in film?

I began, in my head to call my film projects ‘tell it in twelve’ as I would have 12 shots to communicate the key elements of each adventure, no more and no less and each one has to count. IT’s been fun, and I have taken the idea into my digital world.

At the heart of these adventures, telling stories as I see them has been a huge release during my summer break.

It has helped me return to who I am and find my inner vibe, without needing to answer someone else’s call. WIth smaller more wholesome goals in mind, structures so to speak on how I can tell my own stories in place, I have compiled a couple of snippets from a few different locations.