Do you love what you do?

Photography is the only language that is understood all around the world. 

It can capture time and keep memories alive, storing moments in life with in the four walls of its frame

Witnessing moment in history, fleeting interactions between strangers and immortalise the depth of love shared between souls. We see photographs that speak of love, of family, of friendships, they communicate so many different conversations, our world is full of photographs. 

Wherever you look, there are photographs that are trying to tell us something, sell us something, lead us somewhere, share something with us.  To me, photography is all of this and more, the way we can use its language to speak to each other across languages, across genders, to ears and hearts that listen on our wave length. 

It can inspire, move, and amaze me every time I pick up a camera, or revel in another photographer’s work. I love it, and I love what I do! 

Do you? 

I’m luck, I see that every day, to be able to submerge myself in my work, and love every minute of it. Although we can all say – wow, how lucky, ah, she landed on her feet, ah, it was given to her… I worked very hard to get to this point and being grateful for every moment and acknowledging each step, was a huge part of getting to this point in my creative career. 


How do I wake up every morning ready to photograph my next project?

After many developed reels, years of mistakes and lessons learned, and a whole new level of soul searching, I can almost directly connect my love of my work with my values…. With a sprinkle of adventure on top.

I adore the connection photography has with reality. It seems to me fair. We are capturing the reality of a moment and sharing it with our viewer. My integrity as a person connects directly with my integrity as a visual artist and story teller. Actively depicting the reality in front of the lens, or actively taking the viewer on a journey of their imagination. Either way, we go together, side by side, in honesty. 

I revel in the unique voice my images and my eye bring to the film. It is my tool to communicate my world to the outside, which gives me a huge sense of freedom. As a female, I find much of my voice silenced or judged into silence, whereas in images, images that directly reflect what I have seen, it is harder to dismiss or silence. There is a power there a way to communicate to other people feeling the same. To challenge the way, we are seen and see.  To be true to yourself, speaking though my camera, sometimes my images are loud and busy, sometimes they are quiet and lost in reverie. 

As a perpetual perfectionist, (most creatives are) the feeling of growth and progression is so important to my every day sense of purpose. With every click of the shutter, I get another opportunity to be better, to frame an image in a different way, to rethink my story and to talk to my viewer more directly, or in maybe a slightly different tone of voice. 

Photography is an art form and as a photographer I appreciate the artistic value that is in it. Through my lens, I notice the small things, the tiny details that bring an experience together. I notice light, shadow, textures, and surroundings, which we would normally miss. But it’s not just about the moment I push the release button. I also love editing, picking out the best images and using my creativity to bring a story to life. 

This feeling of growth is totally tied to me as a human. This is a double-edged sword, as the feeling of failure and imposter syndrome and ‘never being good enough’ as a freelancer, is always very close to the front door! … but with a little grounding and a healthy support network, all these unwanted gremlins are manageable. Leaving me free to focus on my creativity, every day inspiration and of course, my creative growth. 

IT allows me to feed my hunger for adventure and new experiences. Through photography, I have managed to see and experience so much of the world. Places I would have normally never gone to, people I would have never met, all through my love for photography. I am fortunate enough to have worked with some amazing brands and seeing the joy on people’s faces when they get a set of photos that will help them tell their brand story is simply amazing. It fills me with so much joy and happiness, it’s what drives me to deliver more and better next time. 

I can’t imagine my life without these encounters, there is so much to learn and discover and I’m so grateful that I have been able to travel most of the world, working feature films, advertising, telling brand stories, the beautiful journeys of each entrepreneur and boss-babe business owner, lifting creatives up at every opportunity.

If you need someone to tell your brand story through photography, to tell the beautiful story of how your thoughts became things? I’m your woman! 

Get in touch and I can help you put your story and dreams into pictures. 



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